We’re using every trick in the book to fight poverty in Bolivia.
- Posted In : News , Bolivia, fundraising, literacy, reading, Sucre
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This April, we will be bringing reading to Sucre via two exciting events: Sucre Reads and our now Annual Festival of Reading. With your help, we can make both days inspire a new generation of Bolivian children to find delight in a book, and discover the life chances that this simple act can bring them.
Without your generosity and support, we cannot make these events the powerful and life changing days that they could be. Help us by donating now at our fundraising Indiegogo page.
Some people can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t help:
– Spread the word about this campaign, and about BiblioWorks and the great work we are doing in Bolivia by using Indiegogo’s share tool.
– Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and share the campaign amongst your followers too!
– Contact volunteer@biblioworks.org to find out about volunteering for the literacy festival or in one of our libraries! Our volunteering opportunities offer Real Adventure for Real Change – we would love to have you on board.