April Literacy Events

Children marching for their rights

April has been full of activities, organized by BiblioWorks. Thanks to the funds we raised through our successful Indiegogo campaign we have been able to spread the joys of reading and literacy through a variety of activities. This is why April in Sucre is called “Abril: Mes de la Lectura y la Niñez.” Here are some of the highlights of the activities we are carrying out:

  • April 3rd: Press conference with the mayor’s office of Sucre to kick off the activities for the month of April.
  • April 5th: Reading activities in public transport buses in the city of Sucre. Our four reading brigades were able to read with over 600 people on 80 buses!
  • April 9th: We inaugurated our 10th library in the small community of Maragua!
  • April 12th: Children’s day in Bolivia saw BiblioWorks supporting children who have to work to help their families survive, by organizing a peaceful protest march. They were able to express and demand their rights. Of course we helped them write clear and concise messages. After the march, the Governor of Chuquisaca received a select group of children in his office to hear their demands.
  • April 24rd: We will inaugurate our 11th library in the community of Tomoroco!
  • April 27th: 2ndAnnual Literacy Festival! We are busily organizing this gran finale event. We hope to have the participation of 1,200 people and 20 non-profit organizations, and make this an annual event that the city of Sucre looks forward to.

    Press conference to promote literacy activities

Children reading in the new library

Sharing the joy of reading on public buses
