A girl draws what she dreams to do when she gets older
We are happy to be teaming up with Inti magazine for our newest project. Thanks to the volunteer time of 14 artists in the U.K., we were able to raise over 5,000 dollars to benefit children in our Tomina library and kids who work in the city of Sucre.
Inti magazine helps working children stay in school:
Inti is a magazine written and sold by children who work in the city of Sucre because of economic pressures on their families. Each time they sell the magazine they get money to purchase educational materials to be able to stay in school.
The money from the project will be spent to achieve the following results:
- Hiring a trainer for six months who will organize leadership, self-esteem and creative writing courses each week with the group of kids in the Tomina library and the children who sell Inti in Sucre.
- Book purchases for Tomina and two libraries in the city of Sucre that directly support working chilren.
- Printing 1,000 extra copies of the Inti magazine so that more working children will be able to sell it.
- Children in Tomina and Sucre will write creative articles for to be included in Inti magazine.
- The reading club in the Tomina library will be strengthened through activities with the children.
We are excited to be collaborating on this project, which will benefit over 30 kids directly.
Here are some pictures from the trainings in the Tomina library:
Trainer working with children in Tomina
Working with self-esteem in Tomina
Kids drawing in the Tomina library