The story of Morado K’asa and a great young librarian

Marisol working in the library

Our first public library in Morado K’asa was opened in 2005. Marisol, the current librarian was 7 years old then! Her older brother Pablo was part of the original youth group (Youth Without Borders) that requested that a library be built in their community.

We are happy to report that after 7 years, the library has touched hundreds of children’s lives and is still open four nights a week for children and teenagers to use. But the best news we want to tell you is about Marisol:

At the beginning of 2012, Don Dario, who was librarian for 4 years, decided to step down. In a meeting with the entire town, Marisol, who is only 14 years old, was chosen as the new librarian.

At first she wasn’t sure if being a librarian was really her calling, but after a few months and much one-on-one training with the great BiblioWorks staff, she began transforming the library in tiny Morado K’asa.

In a recent trip to Morado K’asa the BiblioWorks staff popped into the library on a Wednesday evening around six o’clock. We expect our librarians to do activities with children and teenagers that will improve literacy and reading, but Marisol exceeded our expectations.

The library was divided into two workspaces. The smaller children were reading storybooks and then drawing their interpretation of the stories they had heard. The teenagers were using a book about healthcare to make posters about hygiene to post in public places around the town.

Thanks to the initiative and creativity of Marisol the library in Morado K’asa is reaching-out to the community in an innovative and sustainable way. You can be a part of helping BiblioWorks touch the lives of more communities and more children like those in Morado K’asa. Find out how right now by going to our How to Help section and making a donation!


Look at these cute kids in the library!
