Working on strategies for sustainability
The library in Sopachuy, opened in April of 2008, will be our third municipal library that will be left in the capable hands of the community. From the beginning of the project in Sopachuy, the local government and leaders in education have supported the library and the reading programs run from there.
This month we had the first meeting with local government officials, school principals, teachers, students and the librarian to determine strategies for achieving sustainability this year. The meeting was productive and we hope that Sopachuy will be able to leave the BiblioWorks nest by the end of 2013!
The challenges:
The main issue we currently face is the small space. While we have come up with some innovative strategies for organizing the space, there are over 50 school-aged children that use the library every day! We also hope to purchase new books and games for the library before the end of 2013.
Kids in the Sopachuy library
How to Help in Sopachuy and other libraries:
With your continued support and contributions we can make Sopachuy and our other libraries sustainable, so that we can open more libraries in communities in need.
Beautiful Sopahcuy