Quotes from Patacon High School Students

Students from Patacon High School talk about their dreams and aspirations in life.


“When I graduate, I’d like to study medicine and be a pediatric physician working with children.” – Paola Flores, age 15, sophomore

“I want to continue studying to be a professional – to study medicine.  I want to be a competent doctor.” – Elias Portillo, age 17, senior


“I like to study chemistry because I like to study metals because they’re complicated.  I want to be a chemistry teacher.” – Marina Limachi, age 16, freshman


“I like to read about history and the colonization of the Americas.  That is my interest.” – Esteban Campos, age 17, sophomore


“I’m excited about the library because I can take advantage of having books to study in my own library and I won’t have to go all the way to the middle of town.  I like to read magazines and newspapers – mostly sports.” – Fredy Pelaez, age 16, sophomore
