Meet our great team of staff and volunteers!

Maritza working hard as always

BiblioWorks has had a very good January. We were excited about this year from the beginning; excited about creating new projects, training more people, providing more learning materials to children, high school students and communities in need. However, most of all we were excited about working together as a team, which has always been our strongest asset.

We are happy to say that in addition to our Bolivian staff (Maritza, Roxana and Matt) and our Board of Directors in Asheville, NC, we have lots of volunteers (and more on the way). Currently we are working with these volunteers:

  • Marcelo is a Bolivian university student and will be helping out all year with accounting and administrative tasks.
  • Gareth is from the U.S. and is helping out with the first ever book fair to be held in Sucre, Bolivia, and will be working in one of our rural libraries directly with community members.
  • Erin is also from the U.S. and will be working with a group of women in the Tarabuco library to help them improve their reading and writing skills.
  • Wojtek and Maette are a couple from Poland and France. They are working in the Villa Serrano library with teachers to help promote the books and materials in the library.

BiblioWorks feels that the power of human resources and ideas is what drives our organization to grow in a sustainable way. We are very optimistic that the energy and creativity these and future volunteers bring will benefit BiblioWorks and our literacy projects in rural Bolivia to make 2012 our best year yet.

Erin and Roxana planning for the Tarabuco library

Gareth and Marcelo working on the logo for the Sucre book fair



  1. cathy cornelius

    I love my niece Erin. She is a real worker and dedicated to whatever her endeavor may be! We love you Erin and are so proud of you… and don’t forget about the sweater. Tee, hee ..just kidding..NOT!!! Auntie, cath

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