Leer es Vivir (Reading is life) in Sucre, Bolivia
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During the past few months BiblioWorks has embarked on a new and exciting adventure in the city of Sucre, Bolivia: a weekly radio program run by…us! BiblioWorks!
We were offered the radio program, which can be heard (in Spanish of course) every Friday morning at 11a.m. EST, through a contact we made at the Literacy Festival, held in April of this year.
Although we only have a thirty minute segment every Friday, we are using the radio as a way to promote BiblioWorks and of course promote literacy and reading in the city we call home. We have all been enjoying this newest endeavor and some of us have even discovered hidden talents.
Some of the programs we have already done include a poetry contest open to all of the city’s children, interviews with indigenous women who sell in the central market concerning their thoughts on literacy, storytelling and visiting local classrooms to get kids enthused about reading.
If you want to catch our dedicated staff on the radio, tune in via internet at Radio Activa, Sucre. Our program is called “Leer es Vivir” or “Reading is Life!”