Fundraising Event in Asheville, North Carolina
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It was the perfect fall weather for a backyard party this past Saturday, Nov 5th in Asheville, NC. A clear night, stars, no wind, but indeed quite chilly. BiblioWorks’ board member John Carzoli was willing enough to let us use his backyard, and his family! Yes!, even the Carzoli family got involved in preparing 2 huge pots of chili and platters of delicious cornbread to keep everyone warm.
BiblioWorks set up an informational booth, talked about our work in Bolivia and accepted donations while attendees were treated with hot cider, cold beer, a bonfire and live music from local band “Ten Toe Turbo”! We even set up a backyard theater and had a showing of the inspiring movie “A Small Act” which talks about how your small choices in life can make a difference for many. Kids were piled up under blankets watching the movie, and adults were found conversing around the fire.
Thank you to BiblioWorks board members and the Carzoli family for making this happen, we had so much fun!