Empowering teachers and building bridges to literacy and development

Teachers doing an icebreaker activity

BiblioWorks has trained hundreds of teachers during the 7 years we have been working to bring libraries and literacy to rural Bolivia. Working closely with teachers has become a cornerstone of our mission and we have seen a clear correlation between teacher involvement and library success.

Just this week in Tarabuco we held a one day workshop with 36 primary-school teachers. Our team of educational specialists are experts on literacy and reading activities. Our main goal through training teachers is to familiarize them with the materials available in the library so that they will use them to improve their classroom plans and take their students to the library. Another important goal is to encourage teachers to use reading and literacy activities in their classrooms to improve creativity and critical thinking in their students.

The activity in Tarabuco was a huge success and the teachers learned a lot of valuable information and also had a lot of fun, along with the BiblioWorks staff, doing group work activities and learning new classroom games. During the evaluation they were extremely positive and asked for another workshop before the end of the school year in November.

We hope to continue forging new relationships with teachers in all of the communities where we have libraries. They are a key to the sustainability of our libraries. Thanks to all of your support, we have been able to work with over 150 teachers during 2012. With just a small donation, you can help us train more teachers who will in turn develop reading skills in thousands of children in impoverished communities in rural Bolivia. Find out more here!


Teachers doing group work during the workshop


Discovering the great books that are in the library
