Project Details

Redención Pampa

Biblioteca “Franz Tamayo”

Quick Facts

  • Opened in December 2017
  • BiblioWorks’ 15th library
  • School Library
  • 4 hours from Sucre

In December 2017, BiblioWorks donated materials for the reopening of the school library at Franz Tamayo of Redención Pampa, under an agreement signed between the U.E. Franz Tamayo and the BiblioWorks Foundation.

Redemption Pampa has an approximate population of 1200 inhabitants, and belongs to the Municipality of Mojocoya in the Department of Chuquisaca. It is located 165 km from the city of Sucre, and sits an altitude of 2,450 meters; the geographical relief is flat, its climate is temperate. Most of the relief is suitable for agriculture and is the main activity of the community members who live there. It won the title of “Granero de Chuquisaca” for its great productive capacity of wheat. The mother tongue is Quechua, and Spanish is a second language; currently, most understands both languages ​​with preference to the first.

Get Involved!


  • $25 will provide interactive games and activities for the children
  • $50 will provide books to more than 50 children
  • $100 will purchase tables and chairs for children

Volunteer in Redención Pampa

Create a reading club with the students, teach English, or propose your own idea to encourage literacy!

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