Library Workshop in Yamparaez

On March 12 and 13, BiblioWorks, CESATCH, and Project K’ayamanta hosted a library training workshop in the community of Yamparaez, conducted by two library trainers from the Central Mennonite Committee in Santa Cruz.

BiblioWorks Supports Tarabuco Library

BiblioWorks has already worked with the Tarabuco Municipal Government.  Our first library in Morado K’asa was under their jurisdiction.  So when the Mayor of Tarabuco asked us for a library in the municipal seat, we agreed to support their library project.


INAUGURATION: Patacon Library “Biblioteca Adhemar Carvajal”

On March 22, 2006 the library in the Patacón High School was officially inaugurated.
Events started at 9:30 am with the national anthem of Bolivia being sung by over 250 students and guests.  Following that, speeches were given by the Director of the High School, Mery Calizaya, the District School Director, Ana Maria Quinteros, Peace Corps volunteer, Heather Hatfield and Peace Corps tech-specialist, Tom Boutureira, and by local BiblioWorks Latin America Project Coordinator, Megan Sherar.


10,000 books bound for Bolivia!

The ocean-bound shipment for Bolivia of 10,000 books, 30 computers, and library supplies is at last on its way!

After months of receiving donations, sorting, and packaging, the shipment for the libraries in Presto and Patacon left our warehouse today, with 10,000 books, 30 computers and monitors, 6 laser printers, and 4 pallets of library furniture.  After growing so used to shuffling all of it around our warehouse for the past 5 months, it was almost sad to see it go!


BiblioWorks attends the fall LEAF festival

In mid-October, BiblioWorks was pleased to have the opportunity to set up a booth location at the popular LEAF festival, 2005.  Neal Thompson, author of “Light the Candle,” was gracious enough to host a book signing in which we gave out free signed copies of his book.

Pictured below, a guest chats with Neal while having his book signed. Allen Singleton, President of BiblioWorks, looks on.



Allen Singleton
Featured Library: Padilla
To be inaugurated in June 2016
BiblioWorks’ 13th library
4 hours from Sucre

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