Biblioworks looks for local volunteers
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Biblioworks wants energetic and creative volunteers to live and work in Bolivia in helping to make our libraries better and help create a love for reading in Bolivia.
Biblioworks is always looking for ways to make our libaries better. We want volunteers who are interested in education in the developing world. Our libraries are functioning well and we need volunteers who would enjoy creating new ideas to make them sustainable. We would like volunteers in the beautiful colonial city of Sucre and also in any of the six of our rural libraries, outside of Sucre. If you are interested please contact us!
Here are some of the great volunteer opportunities you could participate in:
- Working in a library of your choice: (most needed help: Morado K’asa, Tarabuco, Sopachuy)
- Working in the office making inventories of books, working on looking for places to donate/sell books
- Promoting BiblioWorks around the city of Sucre and around Bolivia
- Organizing activities to sell books, promote reading habits or any type of creative activity promoting our goals and objectives
- Looking for more local funding
- Traveling around Chuquisaca making contacts in municipal governments and district educational offices for possible new libraries
- Creating new games, activities to promote reading, and materials to be used in training settings
- Planning with project assistant on sustainability of libraries
- Organizing a cultural activity among all of the libraries to be held in the city of Sucre or in one of the libraries
- Working on the BW website
- Teaching computer classes and designing computer course curriculums for librarians, students and teachers
- Painting murals in the libraries (i.e. world maps, environmental murals, mural contests etc.)
- Helping recruit other volunteers to work in the libraries
- Coordinating with Peace Corps volunteers to host events in communities where we have libraries
- Creating reading clubs, eco clubs, music clubs, English clubs or any type of club in any of the libraries
- Assisting with meetings of CODEB (Library committee of Chuquisaca composed of various non profit organizations working in educational development in the department of Chuquisaca)